Classes 2010 to 2012
05/08/12 Aggadic passage about Rabbi Yossi Ha Galilee 2
05/01/12 Aggadic passage about Rabbi Yossi Ha Galilee
04/24/12 Speeches of Rabbi Isaac Herzog 2
04/17/12 Speeches of Rabbi Isaac Herzog
03/27/12 The Fifth Cup of Wine at the Seder
03/20/12 The Four Cups of Wine at the Seder 2
03/13/12 The Four Cups of Wine at the Seder
02/28/12 Mishloach Manot
02/21/12 Rambam on the Character Traits of Anger and Pride 5
02/14/12 Rambam on the Character Traits of Anger and Pride 4
02/07/12 Rambam on the Character Traits of Anger and Pride 3
01/31/12 Rambam on the Character Traits of Anger and Pride 2
01/24/12 Rambam on the Character Traits of Anger and Pride
01/10/12 The Origins of the Tenth of Tevet Fast 2
01/03/12 The Origins of the Tenth of Tevet Fast
12/20/11 The prohibition against using the Hanukkah lights
12/13/11 Rabbinic Views of Lawyers 3
12/06/11 Rabbinic Views of Lawyers 2
11/29/11 Rabbinic Views of Lawyers
11/15/11 Raising the Bar of Morality: The Contrast Between Avraham and Anshei S'dom
11/08/11 Zaken Mamre - Rebellious Scholar -3
11/01/11 Zaken Mamre - Rebellious Scholar -2
10/25/11 Zaken Mamre - Rebellious Scholar
05/24/11 Some Aggadic Passages from the Talmud
05/17/11 Medieval vs. Talmudic Commentaries Part 2
05/10/11 Medieval vs. Talmudic Commentaries
05/03/11 Family relations and eretz israel
04/12/11 Telling lies in the Pesach story
04/05/11 Hallacha of Plastic Surgery part 3
03/29/11 Hallacha of Plastic Surgery part 2
03/22/11 Hallacha of Plastic Surgery
03/15/11 Parallels between Joseph story and the Book of Esther
03/08/11 Hasegat Gevul - Business Ethics 5
03/01/11 Hasegat Gevul - Business Ethics 4
02/22/11 Hasegat Gevul - Business Ethics 3
02/15/11 Hasegat Gevul - Business Ethics 2 (no recording)
02/08/11 Hasegat Gevul - Business Ethics
01/25/11 Euthanasia in Jewish Law part 7
01/18/11 Euthanasia in Jewish Law part 6
01/11/11 Euthanasia in Jewish Law part 5
01/04/11 Euthanasia in Jewish Law part 4
12/14/10 Euthanasia in Jewish Law part 3
12/07/10 Euthanasia in Jewish Law part 2
11/30/10 Euthanasia in Jewish Law part 1
11/16/10 End of Life Issues in Jewish Law: Suicide part 6
11/9/10 End of Life Issues in Jewish Law: Suicide part 5
11/2/10 End of Life Issues in Jewish Law: Suicide part 4
10/26/10 End of Life Issues in Jewish Law: Suicide part 3
10/19/10 End of Life Issues in Jewish Law: Suicide part 2
10/12/10 End of Life Issues in Jewish Law: Suicide