Lectures 2006 to 2008
05/13/08 -An Update of Religious Zionism 2
05/06/08 -An Update of Religious Zionism
04/08/08 -Hallel in the Passover Seder
04/01/08 -Laws of Fast of the First Born
03/25/08 -We don't mix two happy occasions
03/18/08 -Close Reading of a Section of Megillat Esther
03/11/08 -Peripety (Reversal) in the Book of Esther
03/04/08 -Selling Your Good Deeds to Someone Else
02/19/08 -The Reward for Performing Mitzvot Part V
02/12/08 -The Reward for Performing Mitzvot Part IV
02/05/08 -The Reward for Performing Mitzvot Part III
01/29/08 -The Reward for Performing Mitzvot Part II
01/22/08 -The Reward for Performing Mitzvot
12/11/07 -More on Bad Things Happen Through Agency of Bad People
12/04/07 -The Nature and Meaning of the Mitzvah of Lighting the Menorah
11/27/07 -The Commandment of Building a Parapet Around Your Roof Part III
11/20/07 -The Commandment of Building a Parapet Around Your Roof Part II
11/13/07 -The Commandment of Building a Parapet Around Your Roof
11/06/07 -Minor Transgressions That Are Permitted in Order to Prevent Major Ones. Part V
10/30/07 -Minor Transgressions That Are Permitted in Order to Prevent Major Ones. Part IV
10/23/07 -Minor Transgressions That Are Permitted in Order to Prevent Major Ones. Part III
10/16/07 -Minor Transgressions That Are Permitted in Order to Prevent Major Ones. Part II
10/09/07 -Minor Transgressions That Are Permitted in Order to Prevent Major Ones.
12/19/06 -Lecture on Hanukah and the mitzvot associated with lighting the menorah.
1/16/07 -First in a series of lectures on the definition of mental illness in Jewish Law .
1/23/07 -Second in a series of lectures on the definition of mental illness in Jewish Law .
1/30/07 -Third in a series of lectures on the definition of mental illness in Jewish Law .
2/06/07 -Fourth in a series of lectures on the definition of mental illness in Jewish Law .
2/13/07 -Fifth in a series of lectures on the definition of mental illness in Jewish Law .
2/20/07 -Why is God's Name Not Mentioned in Megillat Esther?
3/06/07 -Rabbinic Responses to the Golden Calf.
3/13/07 -Rabbinic Responses to the Golden Calf -2.
3/22/07 -Rabbinic Responses to the Golden Calf -3.
3/27/07 -Reclining at the Seder
4/17/07 -Rabbinic rulings on marriage during the Holocaust
4/24/07 -Fine Arts in Jewish Tradition
5/01/07 -Fine Arts in Jewish Tradition -2
5/08/07 -Physical Handicaps and Halachah
5/15/07 -Physical Handicaps and Halachah -2